4. Timers

This part of the app is only for viewing and editing existing timers, or adding a manual timer at a set date and time. If you want to set a timer via the EPG, as you normally would while in front of the TV with the remote, then this is covered later.

Starting at the home screen, selecting the first tile "Timers":

Figure 16

The timer screen lists any timers that already exist. There is a menu on the top right side with two options:

Menu > "Add manual timer:"

Figure 17

"Action": Choose Record or Zap

"Enabled": Selected by default

"One-Time event": Selected by default displays fields "Start Date" and "End Date"

"Recurring Event": When selected gives field "Recurring Days:"

Figure 18

Selecting "Start Date" or "End Date" displays a tool window (One Time Event only)

Figure 19

Use this to select your Start/End date(s)

Selecting "Start Time" or "End Time" displays a tool window (One Time Event and recurring)

Figure 20

Use this to select your Start/End time(s)

Tapping "Event Title" brings up your keyboard. Type in a name for the event. The "Event Description" acts similarly.

Figure 21

Tap "Tap here to select a channel" switches to the bouquets screen and allows you to choose your channel:

Figure 22

Once you have selected your channel it appears in the timer screen (Figure 24):

Figure 23

"Tap here to select a location" allows you to choose where to store your recordings:

Figure 24

When completed the back arrow prompts to save the timer.

Figure 25

Tap "Yes"

Figure 26

Menu > "Clear Timers", which deletes any timers that have already run:

Figure 27

Selecting "Yes" removes expired timers:

Figure 28

If there are no remaining timers once cleared:

Figure 29

You are left with an empty screen:

Figure 30

Timer List (refer to Figure 16)

If you select one of the timer events in the list, the lower half of the screen displays this event in more detail.

Two buttons are available : Edit and Delete

Figure 31

Selecting "Delete" brings up the following dialog

Figure 32

Yes to confirm and the timer is deleted.

Selecting Edit returns you to the timer screen (Figure 21) allowing you to edit and save as before.

Setting a timer from the EPG (Not using the "Timers" part of the app)

If you are not in front of the TV, or away from home, then you can still do the job of setting a timer. From the home screen tap "Services" to get your bouquets (Figure 25) Select the Bouquet you want. Tap the channel you want to record from:

Figure 33

Figure 34

Tap "EPG"

Figure 35

Tap "Full EPG"

Figure 36

Select the event you want to record. If this is the event you want to set then tap "Set Timer":

Figure 37

Tap OK when this screen appears:

Figure 38

Confirm you have set the timer by navigating back to the home screen and tapping "Timers":

Figure 39